Virtual Labs (Apporto)
Cloud computing is a strategy to provide collaboration, storage, and access to applications from a centralized server. Roger Williams University Virtual Labs by Apporto offers 24/7 access to customized virtual desktops from any computer. No need to go to a lab computer to work!
Some of the benefits of this approach include:
- Access to the software you need 24/7 right from your own computer or even a mobile device
- Every space becomes a collaborative learning/work space
- Consistent desktop environment regardless of local hardware/software – everyone has the same applications in the same versions
- Ability to connect to peripherals on the network such as printers, copiers, scanners etc.
Software that is currently installed in Virtual Labs by Apporto:
Adobe Suite
Arcgis pro
Climate Consultant
Epic Games Launcher
Google Earth
Office with Project and Visio
Rhino 3D
Sketchup pro
ULS Driver
Utilimaker Cura
Vcarve pro
Wufi 5 with wufi 3d
How do I get started with RWU Virtual Labs by Apporto?
You can access the service right through your web browser without any installation by going to the RWU Apporto link. You will log in using your RWU provided Microsoft account (Office 365).
Do I need to purchase additional software for my classes?
Everything you need for your courses is included when you log in to the RWU Virtual Labs. You will not need to purchase any additional software.
What kind of computer do I need to participate?
You don't need any specialized equipment (you can even connect from a mobile device!) however you will need an HTML5 compliant web browser (e.g. Firefox, Edge, Chrome or Safari)
In 2023, RWU partnered with Apporto to provide Engineering and Architecture majors access to Virtual Labs for course software.
- To begin, please go to the RWU Apporto link using Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome. Once loaded, click login.
- On the login screen, please login with should match your bridges login. Your password will initially be the default. - Once you are logged in, click the “Launch” button.
- Congratulations! You are connected to your Virtual Labs Desktop.
Help is available for any student and faculty member in a program using RWU Virtual Labs by Apporto services.
Contact the IT helpdesk by logging into the MediaTech portal or calling (401) 254-6363